Fisher-Nightingale Houses, Inc.

A 501(c)3 Compassionate Care Nonprofit Supporting the Greater Dayton area Fisher Houses

One of the major keys to the success of the Fisher Houses is their volunteers.  The managers and small staff could not possibly conduct the day-to-day operations of the Houses while supporting the guests in the way that they need.  That is where the Fisher House volunteers provide an invaluable service!  There are many opportunities to provide support through volunteering to do things such as help decorate the houses for holidays, do gardening work to maintain the beautiful grounds, and sign up to support our annual fund-raising gala.  “Compassionate Care Heals” will be held this year on April 26th at The Sinclair Conference Center.  Volunteers help with set-up and tear-down, as well as on-site during the gala itself.

» To volunteer at the WPAFB Fisher House, contact Diyor Nishanov

» To volunteer at the Dayton VA Fisher House, contact Betsey Striebel

» To volunteer at an upcoming event, contact Kimberly Luse